Comprehensive Pain Management
It has been said that one of the greatest, albeit simple, pleasures in the world
is the relief of pain.
Pain, however, is a complex entity with multiple components contributing to its severity and duration, including physical, psychological, cognitive, and social factors. Attempts to address only one component are doomed to failure
In the Bahamas, the current state of local outpatient pain management and rehabilitation care can be best described as limited due to the following conditions:
Cost Prohibitive: chronic conditions are much more difficult and expensive to manage
Fragmented: dominated by a ‘one discipline (at a time) as opposed to a ‘coordinated team’ approach, until the condition becomes chronic (at times identified well into the 40 weeks, the maximum allowable term provided by NIB and other insurance providers)
Limited Resources: there are insufficient numbers of ‘specialized’ therapists to meet the country’s demand
Limited Supplies: very few ‘one-stop multimodal interdisciplinary team care’ facilities
Underperforming: all of the above speaks to this.
Bahamas Neurological Center’s Pain Management Program consists of a managed approach, which bundles pain management and rehabilitation as a service and forms the basis of our comprehensive program.
Our comprehensive interdisciplinary Pain Management Team consists of a wide array of providers including a Neurologist, Pain Specialist/Anesthetist, Clinical Psychologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Dietitian/Nutritionist, and Nurse/Educator.
Interventional Director
Dr. Vincent Burton
Non-Interventional Director
Dr. Edwin Demeritte
All of Bahamas Neurological Center’s Pain Programs include mandatory:
Patient Education – Understanding disease and process assist in patient buy-in and participation
Clinical Psychology – Psychological issues must be dealt with early and aggressively to prevent apathy and improve motivation to get to “the healthy state” rather than accept a defeatist position
The above mandatory services are in recognition that only if the above are addressed can treatments:
Interventional services (e.g. C-Arm guided epidurals, peripheral nerve blocks, or joint injections)
Non-interventional (e.g. medications, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and dietary/nutritional)
be effective resulting in optimal outcomes of pain management.
As presently constituted, our program provides formal treatment plans for institutional and individual clients and features fast-track availability of interventional pain specialists and non-interventional therapeutic professionals.
At the end of our initial (diagnostic) evaluation, patients have the options of:
Entering into our 12-week acute program or being referred to another program, with their formal assessment.
Entering into our 40-week chronic program once they are identified as individuals with extremely complicated issues who obviously require prolonged management in a chronic program, which is typically done during our initial comprehensive diagnostic assessment.
At the end of our program, we look forward to your optimal functioning and to bringing that beautiful smile back indicating the simple pleasure known as Relief of Pain.